弗吉尼亚农业信贷, ACA
I. 概述
弗吉尼亚农业信贷, ACA(“协会”)已采纳本道德行为守则(“守则”),适用于每位董事, 官, 和员工. 该守则重申了协会及其董事所要求的高标准商业行为,并为其提供了指导, 高级职员及雇员. [1]
II. 客观的
协会承诺按照《体育彩票外围平台》中规定的最高道德标准开展业务. 此外, 协会负责编制和分发其财务报表及相关披露,并提供真实的相关信息, 准确和完整地提供给融资公司,用于编制农业信贷系统财务报表和相关披露.
相应的, the Association expects all of its 导演s, 管理人员和雇员在其业务交易和活动的各个方面保持最高的个人和职业操守标准. This includes complying with all applicable laws, 规则, 法规, 阻止不法行为并遵守其行为标准政策以及协会通过的管理其员工和代理人行为的其他政策和程序. To achieve these high ethical standards, 全体董事, 高级职员及雇员应, 除此之外, 避免利益冲突.
This Code is intended to supplement the Association’s Standards of Conduct Policy.
3. 需求
A. All 导演s, 高级职员及雇员. All 导演s, 高级职员及雇员 are required to:
- Maintain high ethical standards, including high standards of honesty, integrity, and 公平ness.
- Act in the best interests of the institution.
- 维护协会的声誉和公众对农场信贷体系的信心.
- 在履行公务和职责时,表现出勤奋和良好的商业判断力.
- 向《体育彩票外围平台》报告公职人员的利益冲突,以及与你有利益冲突的情况或交易, your Family or your Reportable Business Entity. [2]
- Refrain from participating in official action or discussion on any matter if the 导演, 官 or Employee has an actual or perceived conflict of interest.
- 与行为标准官员合作,确定冲突并解决报告的利益冲突和利益冲突的表象.
- Avoid self-dealing or acceptance of gifts or favors that may be deemed as offered, or have the appearance of being offered, to influence official actions or decisions.
- 遵守所有适用的法律, 规则, 法规, 以及协会参与的自律协议的规章制度.
- Promptly report any possible illegal or unethical activity, 或违反行为标准政策和道德准则的行为标准的官方或通过匿名举报程序.
- 采取一切合理措施,保护在其活动中获得或产生的有关协会及其客户的非公开信息的机密性,并防止未经授权披露这些信息,除非适用法律或法规有要求, 或法律或监管程序.
B. 董事及高级职员. 除了, 董事和高级管理人员必须履行对机构及其股东的信义义务. 另外, 董事及高级职员 are required to produce full, 公平, 准确的, 及时和可理解地披露协会财务报表和相关财务报告或通信以及报告和文件, 或提交给, AgFirst Farm Credit Bank and the Farm Credit Administration. 董事及高级职员 are explicitly prohibited from taking any action to fraudulently, 强迫, 操作, 或误导协会的独立会计师,以使协会的财务报表具有误导性.
C. 报告. To comply with the reporting obligations, 每个受本《体育彩票正规app下载》约束的人都应报告非法或不道德的活动,或违反《体育彩票外围平台》和《体育彩票正规app下载》的行为:
- 报告 to the Standards of Conduct Official, Dana Close, CRCM, at DClose@FCVirginias.或540-977-5707分机. 5925.
- To the Association’s Ethics Hotline Vendor, Navex Global, by:
- 电话:1-833-220-9769或
- Online 报告: virginiasfarmcredit.ethicspoint.com
- Any individual who contacts the Ethics Hotline may, 在他们的选举中, remain anonymous when making a report pursuant to the 道德守则, 在法律允许的范围内. Retaliation against an individual for making a report in good faith is strictly prohibited. See Fraud and Whistleblower Hotline Policy for additional information.
IV. 政策合规
每一个导演, 官 和员工 is responsible for reading and understanding this policy, and conducting their activities and business transactions accordingly.
协会保留定期审核/监控系统的权利,以确保遵守本政策. Compliance may be measured through various means, including but not limited to business tool reports, 内部和外部审计, 和反馈.
Any exception to this procedure must be submitted to, and approved by the Association’s Standards of Conduct Official.
V. 违反职业道德准则
All 导演s, 高级职员及雇员 will be held accountable for adherence to this Code. A failure to observe the terms of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, termination of the 的关系 or contract, 或者被从董事会除名, 是适用的. 违反《体育彩票外围平台》的行为可能构成违法,并可能导致民事或刑事处罚.
违反《体育彩票外围平台》的行为可能构成违法,并可能导致民事或刑事处罚. 根据12 C.F.R. § 612.2180和12u.S.C. § 2267a, 在机构关联方与农业信贷机构分离后的六年内,FCA有管辖权和权力发起某些行动和执法权力. 这使FCA能够确保系统在适当情况下的安全性和稳健性,并执行其法规, regardless of when the 的关系 with an individual or entity was terminated.
If you have any questions regarding the best course of action in a particular situation, contact the Standard of Conduct Official.
VI. 确认
每一个导演, 官, 和员工 shall be required certify annually that they have read and understand this Code.
7. 定义
利益冲突某人在某项交易中有经济利益的一系列情况或表象, 的关系, 从了解相关事实的理性人士的角度来看,可能或确实影响(或似乎影响)该人以完全公正的方式履行官方职责和责任的能力,并符合协会的最大利益的活动.
导演: A member of the Association’s board of 导演s (the “board”).
雇员: Any individual employed on a part-time, 全职, or temporary basis by the Association, including those identified as 官s of the institution. Persons not maintained on the Association’s payroll (i.e., 独立承包商和通过临时体育彩票正规app下载机构提供的临时工)不属于本定义中的雇员.
家庭: 父母, 配偶或民事结合伴侣, 孩子们, 兄弟姐妹, 叔叔, 阿姨, 侄子, 侄女, 爷爷奶奶, 孙子, and the spouses of the foregoing whether arising from biological, 收养, 婚姻, 或其他法律手段(例如.g., stepparents, step孩子们, half-兄弟姐妹, in-laws). The term also includes anyone residing in the household or who is a legal or financial dependent, regardless of any familial 的关系.
机构方 (定义见12c.F.R. § 612.2180(d)):
i. A 导演, 官, Employee, shareholder, or Agent of a System institution;
ii. An independent contractor (including an attorney, 评估师, or accountant) who knowingly or recklessly participates in:
a. 与一个或多个系统机构的运作和活动有关的违反法律(包括法规)的行为;
b. A breach of fiduciary duty; or
c. An unsafe practice that causes or is likely to cause more than a minimum financial loss to, or a significant adverse effect on, a System institution; or
3. 由农业信贷管理局(通过法规或根据具体情况)确定的参与系统机构事务管理的任何其他人.
官: The salaried Chief Executive 官, 总统, 副总统, 秘书, 财务主管, 总法律顾问, 首席财务官, and Chief Lending 官 of the System institution, and any person not so designated but who holds a similar position of authority.
应呈报业务实体: An entity in which the reporting individual, 直接, 或间接地, or acting through or in concert with one or more persons:
- Owns a Material Percentage of the equity;
- Owns, controls, or has the power to vote a Material Percentage of any class of voting securities; or
- 是否有权以合伙人身份对该实体的政策管理施加重大影响, 导演, 官, or majority shareholder in the entity.
[1] The Code is intended to comply with FCA Regulation Part 612, Subpart A, including 12 C.F.R. § of 612.2137(c), and terms used herein are defined in 12 C.F.R. § 612.2130.
[2] Agents subject to this policy are required to disclose known conflicts of interest, consistent with the Standards of Conduct Policy for Agents.